Not rocket fuel. Or an engineering degree. Or Elon Musk. Just someone (ahem) who combines data insights with head-turning content to make your marketing go KAPOW!
Because boring copy is like a giant leech. Or one of those dementors from Harry Potter. It sucks the life out of you. And guess who hates having life sucked out of them? Your customers. So I don’t write that crap. I do the opposite.
When not writing stuff, I like drinking obscene amounts of coffee, watching Succession (best thing on TV), going for long walks (a lockdown habit that won't go away), playing board games (Settlers of Catan, anyone?), and buying lots of books (but never reading them).
Fresh ground coffee. Fresh bread. Fresh things in general.
Laura Belgray. Her copy is like peanut butter. And I LOVE peanut butter.
Catching Santa Claus out. He was wearing my dad’s watch.
Alcohol, duh? Coffee is LIFE.
Evermore by Taylor Swift. I’m just as surprised as you are.
Yep, 3.
Jeff Bezos. I’m sure he’d figure something out.
The time I drank ayahuasca with a shaman in Peru.
Bojack Horseman. Ozark. The Queen’s Gambit. How many can I pick?
My sofa. I love my sofa.
“I've worked with Kieran on various marketing projects over the years. His copy has driven great results every time, whether improving website conversion rates, getting more email opens and clicks, or getting more sales. I would highly recommend Kieran if you're looking for someone who understands the overall customer journey and can adapt his copywriting to deliver actual results.”
I’m kidding. That’s crazy. But what I CAN do is record a free 10-minute video reviewing your website. No fluff. No sales pitch. No crap. Just conversion growth tips that work.
(Who doesn’t like free stuff?)